Emna Web Designer

Hi, my name is Emna I am a Web Designer and Developper based in Montreal. I love crafting beautiful web pages in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript or jQuery. My other skills include WordPress, Bootstrap, Photoshop, Illustrator. You can grab my CV in French. If you want to hire me or just to talk, connect with me.

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Abnormal is a website designed for a restaurant culinary ecosystem in Montreal.

Uses: HTML5 / CSS3 & JavaScript (jQuery)


Della Vite is a Website designed for wildly Prosecco created by the Delevingne sisters.

Uses: HTML5 / CSS3 & JavaScript (jQuery)


Fragrances website designed for a luxury collection of fragrances produced in Italy.

Uses: HTML5 / CSS3 & JavaScript (jQuery)



Beautiful Design

Every website is beautiful, unique and tailored to suit your needs and requirements.

Clean Code

All websites are written in valid and clean HTML5 / CSS3, Bootstrap, Wordpress, JavaScript (jQuery) & PHP.

Always Responsive

All websites are responsive. They will look great on desktop, tablets and mobile phones too.